Case Study

Balloch Campus: Schools and Community Buildings

Balloch Campus: Schools and Community Buildings

West Dunbartonshire Council confirmed over £15 million of investment in a new purpose-built education campus.

Case Study

Improving Energy Efficiency for Tenants

Improving Energy Efficiency for Tenants

The project aim was to provide energy efficient products that would improve quality of life for the Council’s tenants

Case Study

Cassillis Court: Offsite Construction of New Homes

Cassillis Court: Offsite Construction of New Homes

Barbieston Road is an affordable housing development located in East Ayrshire comprising 11 two bedroom properties.

Case Study

Moray Schools: Schools and Community Buildings

Moray Schools: Schools and Community Buildings

The Moray Schools project was a £20m primary school improvement and phased refurbishment package.

Case Study

BHA: Providing affordable housing in North Berwick

BHA: Providing affordable housing in North Berwick

Berwickshire Housing Association built 18 new homes in North Berwick, procuring through our Offsite Construction Framework.

Procurement Guide

Frameworks for the Education Sector

Frameworks for the Education Sector

A guide to our frameworks for the education sector including construction, refurbishment, windows and roofing projects.

Annual Review

Annual Review 2020-21

Annual Review 2020-21

2020-2021 has been a landmark year for SPA in numerous ways, including our 5th year in operation.

Annual Review

Annual Review 2019-20

Annual Review 2019-20

2019/20 has been another fantastic year for the team at SPA and our Partners throughout Scotland.

Case Study

Added Value

Added Value

SPA, a not for profit technical procurement organisation, is Scotland’s Largest - Construction Focused - Framework Provider.

Procurement Guide

Joining as a framework supplier

Joining as a framework supplier

We’ll guide you through the framework process, explaining the terminology & clarifying what to do at each stage.

Procurement Guide

Offsite Project Integrator (OPI1)

Offsite Project Integrator (OPI1)

Provides the client with a single point of contact to manage effective implementation of offsite housing schemes.

Procurement Guide

Energy Efficiency Measures & Associated Works (N8)

Energy Efficiency Measures & Associated Works (N8)

Provides access to specialists suppliers for the installation of 21 energy efficiency measures delivered through 2 workstreams.