Case Study

Cherry Tree Nursery

Cherry Tree Nursery was unsuitably accommodated over three separate locations at Dalmilling Primary School in Ayr. South Ayrshire Council wanted to consolidate the nursery provision into one new building. The project was a priority for South Ayrshire Council and had to be open for August 2019.

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Case Study

Acredale Phase 3

Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) are committed to building almost 100 homes for their community by the end of 2020. BHA handed over 30 homes through Acredale Phase 3 just in time for Christmas last year, which included: a mix of two and three bedroom family homes, single bedroom flats, and wheelchair accessible housing.

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Case Study

Windows & Doors Upgrade Programme

The project was aimed at replacing the Council’s oldest and most problematic windows and exterior doors. The works comprised the survey, design, manufacture and installation of replacement windows & doors to Council owned houses throughout Perth and Kinross. Sidey Solutions Ltd was appointed to the project through SPA’s U9 framework, which was recently renewed under the WD1 Windows and Doors framework.

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Case Study

Travelling Person’s Site, Coalpots Road, Girvan

The Houdston Travelling Persons Site in Girvan was hit by Storm Frank. It caused irreparable damage to six of the eight caravans on the site and most families lost much of their personal belongings. To repair the site would have cost over £1M with no guarantee the flooding wouldn’t happen again.

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Case Study

Inverness High School Refurbishment – Phase 1

Morrison Construction were appointed for the phased upgrade of classroom areas within the High School, which is a grade B listed building. The art deco school was opened in 1937 and has undergone many extensions in subsequent decades. Due to this segmented approach the building was in need of a revamp and modernisation.

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Case Study

Castlegate House Roofing Project

Through the SPA Pitched Roofing Framework (PR3), Blackwood Group appointed Graham Roofing to undertake extensive repairs to the property’s roof. These works were a proactive response to problems arising from the age of the roof and the discontinuation of the existing roof tiles. The works ensure the residents can continue living in safe and comfortable surroundings.

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Case Study

Putting the Town Centre First

The Robertson Street / Cross Arthurlie Street development brings much-needed affordable homes to the local area as well as supporting the Scottish Governments “Town Centre First” principal by enabling sustainable town centre living. Robertson Street is now homes to 4 families and 9 tenants in the 60+ age group.

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