SPA joins the Supplier Development Programme
The Supplier Development Programme (SDP) has welcomed SPA as an affiliate member. SPA will now be able to utilise the Supplier Development Programme to alert the market of upcoming contract and framework opportunities to more than 14,500 registered micro, small, medium and supported businesses.
Speaking in advance of a presentation to the SPA Executive Committee on 5 November, Gillian Cameron, Supplier Development Programme Manager, said:
“Our work to deliver free tender training to Scottish-based SMEs will encourage their involvement in future frameworks that are advertised by the Scottish Procurement Alliance.
“SDP has outlined how we can work together with SPA on pre-tender engagement in the future, and I know that our partnership will mutually benefit SPA partners as we move forward with upcoming opportunities.”
Lesley Anderson, Head of SPA Procurement, said:
“Engaging with as many companies as possible throughout Scotland, and in particular SMEs, is crucial to the development of our frameworks. Thus, ensuring that all our frameworks provided are the best possible offerings for our partners throughout the country.
“Our partnership with SDP will provide early engagement and invaluable added support for these companies.”