SPA Hits 2000 Followers on Linkedin

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved a milestone 2,000 followers on our Linkedin page. Since SPA was established in 2016, we have continued to grow to now having 104 partner organisations across the country, over £1M distributed for social value projects and £1bn of public spend facilitated through our frameworks in 2020/21. We are delighted to see our growth translate into the digital sphere with our 2000 Linkedin followers and our over 1300 Twitter followers.

Our channels are kept up to date and are a great resource for both our supplier networks and partner organisations to be among the first in the know. We share framework news, supplier opportunities and good news stories from our community benefit fund.

As we move into Autumn, we have lots of upcoming opportunities and important news: from the deadline for the first stage of our New Build Housing Framework Tender to upcoming pre-tender engagement opportunities and many events.

With so much to keep up to date with, please ensure that you stay up to date with our social media accounts:

Twitter @ScottishProcure

Linkedin @scottish-procurement-alliance

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